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"Sanna's coaching style is very responsive and relaxed. The tone of the conversation never feels artificial or academic - on the contrary, it is very straightforward, natural and undramatic. Her humor and her smile are often present - not to take the moment seriously but to confirm situations that are universal and highly human. I want everyone with thoughts about the state of affairs and / or state of affairs to take part in Sanna's coaching. I got a healthy distance and new angles to see my situation in a whole new and more undramatic light. . "

Written by client 2016


"Through our sensitive, focused talks I realized that I already had the key to solving many of my 'hang-ups' inside me. Talking to you is like having an inner conversation and actually listening to myself."

I.L. - Self employed


"I've learned that I can generate both an awareness of, and the very tools to find and work with my strong and not-so-strong sides. This makes me more secure with who I am and better able to project myself - both in my private life and my career. "

K.V. - Back to work after several years' maternity leave


"My baggage that I carried around is much lighter and you have helped me to open new mental doors that I did not know existed. Together we have worked and audited a new version of Me who see's possibilitIes for a life with even more happiness and energy. "

S.L. engineer, multinational Company

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