After high school, I moved to London for two semesters to study at the American College of Applied Arts, for a BA in Fashion merchandising. Then one semester at the main school in Atlanta GA, USA.
I have experience of working in international companies such as H&M, IKEA, Nasdaq OMX but also large organisations such as SVT Drama.
My colleague and I started our own company in the media industry (Kortguiden, London Cardguide Ltd, Silverado), I also started a photographer agency (Venus Productions), project manager for construction and renovations of restaurants and offices (Firma Susanna Heyman).
My career began in 1980 and I have accumulated over 40 years of experience in managerial and leadership experience.
I have worked abroad (UK, Hong Kong, Australia) and started successful companies there (UK 1992 - 2001)
I have had maternity leave 2002 – 2004
CTI Coach Training Institute, Intermediate coach training London, 2004-05,
CTI Leadership Sitges, Spain 2006-07
CRR Organisational & Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC), Foundation London, London 2007
ICF Certified PCC, International Coach Federation, since 2010
CRR Intermediate team coach training, Stockholm 2009
Maria Nemeth, Mastering Life's Energies
Professional ADHD Parent Coach Training, 2019
Mindfulness Coaching School, S-T-R-E-T-C-H & Co-Active Communication, 2016
Mindfulness Coaching School, Body Electric/Somatic coaching, 2021
I now work through Sanna Heyman Ledarskap AB, founded in 2005